Part of the Quick Devotional series
Scripture Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

What an excellent thought for Christians in today’s “follow your heart” society. We put our trust in so many different things. Many of us trust that our cars will get us to our destination. When we step into an elevator, we trust it will raise us to the floor where we want to go. We trust family and friends around us with thoughts and feelings. We define trust as a firm belief in the reliability or truth. I push this definition of Trust to include the feeling built upon the repetition of consistency of that which is true.
So, let’s think about God’s repetition and reliability when it comes to truth.
We learn from scripture that God often repeats Himself; when He does, we need to pay close attention to that. For us, the rhetorical question is, How often has God repeated things in our life to show we can trust Him? We can put our trust in things that are insignificant to God. These verses in Proverbs 3 state that we must trust God. How? The answer is “Faith” because sometimes we do not understand. If we acknowledge Him…”Thank you, God, for the mountains in our lives, the peaks and the valleys, the good and the hardships.” He promises to make our paths straight towards Him.
So allow me to challenge you to reflect. How much has God already done in your life to prove that He can be trusted? Do bad things happen? Absolutely. But even through the bad times, we as Christians have an opportunity to trust and put our faith in God. We need to acknowledge Him and see where He directs our path.
Please click here to find other versions/translations of this scripture.
Mark Rogers
Pastor Mark is the primary author and content creator of Additionally, he serves as Pastor of Lighthouse Sylva. You can find out more by clicking the About Page.