Pastor Mark is the host of the
Light1031 Podcast
The Tag Line: A podcast to help shine the light of Christ in Western North Carolina and to encourage you in your walk with God is the goal for Light1031.
The phrase is said at the beginning and ending of each episode. Why do we do what we do? Why should we try to add one more thing to an already busy church and life schedule? It is because we want people to see the beauty of the Christian life. Yes, things are hard and sometimes difficult. However, there is also room for victory, learning, and even a little fun. The Light1031 podcast tries to focus on those things.
Podcast Episodes
This website is a relay or an outpost for the Ligh1031 podcast. The Lighthouse Sylva website is the official host for all episodes. That website contains photos, notes, and links typically discussed in the episodes.
All of the episodes, descriptions, and show notes can be found at lighthousesylva.com/podcast-light1031
Personal Highlights
There are many blessings of being the host of Light1031. Not only does it allow me a different way of being creative, but it allows me to hear stories of hope. To connect with people (sometimes outside of my immediate church family) in different ways. There are some very personal stories. During the recording of the first year, it was told to me that some of the most impactful episodes are the ones with “Real people having real problems and serving a real God!”
Additionally, I have been fortunate to have friends and family on the show. Cristy and Taylor made multiple appearances, and I am working to figure out how to have Cameron, but I have some ideas.
You can find Light1031 on all major platforms

Contact Page
Please visit our contact page for questions, comments, or interview inquiries.