You are currently viewing Devotions by Jodi: “Reaching your one?”

Have you ever had one of those days where you felt left out, alone, rejected, or like an outcast? Rejection like this is such a difficult feeling. I am sure that many of us have been there at some point in our lives. I can certainly count the times I have had those feelings. Today, I want to share with you a couple of thoughts that came to me while studying about a lady who had many of those same empty thoughts about herself years ago.

Meet the Samarian Lady

While studying in the Book of John, we meet a lady of Samaria. If you are not familiar, I would encourage you to go and read John 4:1-26. She was lost and broken. That is until she had an ordained conversation with The Messiah. On his way to Galilee, Jesus knew he had to take a different route. A route that would lead him to a woman that needed his love and grace. Jesus could have taken different routes to Galilee, but in this instance, scripture says he had to go. (John 4:4).

Jesus meets us where we are

This brings us to the first thought. Jesus meets us where we are. He “had” to go to Samaria. He will meet you in the craziness of life and even on the most mundane of days. Jesus meets her at the well, the very place to which she goes day after day to find fulfillment for her thirsty soul. The place that she keeps returning to because that thirst never goes away.

Looking back on my life, I can see times when I had no hope, was lost, and did not know where to turn next. I kept returning to worldly things to get just a bit of refreshing for my soul. The only thing was that refreshing feeling didn’t last. I was parched and in need of something so much more than I realized. Jesus met me where I was in those times and gave me what I needed. He will do the same for you.

What He offers us

The second thought that came to me made my heart smile. Have you ever considered how much value Jesus places on this woman? Women in the Bible were often treated as an afterthought or unworthy. Additionally, some women and men were treated this way because of where they lived (John 4:9).

Have you ever thought that the sins of your past were too great for Jesus to forgive you? Maybe you have wondered why Jesus would care for me. I’m just a nobody with nothing to give. I can look back on times in my life when I was made to feel less because of social status. I am thankful that Jesus does not see status but values you and me equally. The gift of salvation is free and available to everyone who believes (John 4:14). Jesus is the living water. The water he offers us is eternal. What a wonderful promise that we will never have to thirst again.

Jesus reaching us

Lastly, after the woman had her interaction with Jesus, she was moved to action. I would like for you to think back to the day you believed and accepted Jesus as your Savior. Do you remember that feeling? I sure do! I was so excited that I had to tell everyone in my family what had happened to me.

After this conversation with Jesus, how do you think this Samaritan felt? I believe the Samaria woman had those same feelings of excitement and awe of Jesus! She was so overwhelmed by emotion she left her water pail at the well (John 4:28). Do you know what she did next? She went back to her town and told the people what Jesus had done for her (John 4:29).

Jodi’s Take Away:

What is holding you back from being like the Samaritan woman? Let’s start making it a habit to share the things that Jesus has done for us. Because of her testimony, she was eagerly willing to share, and many of the people in her town believed in Jesus (John 4:39). This woman is the definition of the power of one person sharing Jesus.

And for those of you who haven’t taken that first step in trusting in Jesus as your Savior, today is a wonderful day for that to happen. He will meet you where you are. It’s as easy as admitting your sin and asking for forgiveness, believing that Jesus died on the cross as payment for your sin and rose again three days later, and then confessing and choosing Jesus to be your Savior.

I hope this devotion has blessed you in some way. I know this scripture will forever be one of my favorites and hold a special place in my heart. God Bless, and as always, I am praying for each of you.

Jodi has often contributed to the website. Her first article, “Do you dare to crave?”, can be found by clicking here.

Jodi Tollie
Jodi Tollie
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Jodi is a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church. She was born and raised in Jackson County, NC. Jodi has worked in the medical field for 21 years and is currently a medical assistant at WCU office. She has also appeared on the Light1031 podcast.