You are currently viewing Devotions by Jodi: “Do you see your evidence?”

I can vividly remember a conversation I had as a child with my Mom. My brother and I wanted one of the newest PlayStation games. We were on the way home from the store…without our new game. Mom said to us, “Your wants won’t kill you.” As a kid, I had no clue what she was talking about. All I knew was I needed that game.

What is the Evidence of need?

As an adult, I totally understand. My Mom was right! She was a single mom doing the best she could. She always made sure my brother and I had what we needed (that’s the evidence). I can’t help but think that our Heavenly Father does the same for us. (“And my God will supply your every need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19). He provides what we “need.” The need is things to live and sustain life. The “wants” of life will not kill us. We may have things we want and lust after, but those things are not needed to live.

I can look back on my life and see the provision and evidence of God providing my needs. There have been significant moments, and there have been small moments. But God was in them all. The most effective way I know to introduce you to my God is to share my encounters with Him. You may think that these devotions are personal, and you’re right; they are.

My Experience

My Mom passed away at the young age of 43 from colon and liver cancer. I was only 14, and my brother was 12. God made a way for us to be taken in by our Aunt and Uncle, who finished raising us in a Christian home. If they had not listened to their heart, I honestly don’t know where I would be at this moment. God provided. Also, there was a morning when I was on my way to work when a motorist pulled out in front of me, and I ultimately t-boned them. My car was totaled. I left that accident with a strained neck and some bruising. My evidence…God was with me.

 There have been times in the last year when I wasn’t sure where my next meal would come from. If you have ever been in this situation, I see you. It’s hard, it’s scary and, for me, embarrassing. My God has always provided for me. In honesty, I have gone to bed hungry, but God has provided for me in different ways. Maybe He placed someone in my life, or perhaps He provided the unseen money for groceries or provided in other ways.

My God is with me. (“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalms 23:1)

Jodi’s Take Away:

These are just some big examples to show how God has always provided for me. I can look back and see so many more. So why do I share all of that with you? Here is my challenge for you. First, take the next 15 minutes and look back on your own life. Do you see your evidence? Have you acknowledged those times and taken the time to thank God? Secondly, if you are going through a hard time and see no help or end in sight, cry out to God. Share those inner fears and concerns with Him (“casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7).

I can promise from my own encounters that God is with you, and He will provide for your needs.

My friends, as hard as it is, let me encourage you. Do not let your hearts be troubled. God is near. He loves you, and so do I.

I am praying for you! God Bless!

You can find Jodi’s first article, “Do you dare to crave?” by clicking here.

Jodi Tollie
Jodi Tollie
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Jodi is a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church. She was born and raised in Jackson County, NC. Jodi has worked in the medical field for 21 years and is currently a medical assistant at WCU office. She has also appeared on the Light1031 podcast.