You are currently viewing Devotions by Jodi: “Beulah Land”

“Beulah Land, I’m longing for you. And someday on thee I’ll stand. There, my home shall be eternal. Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land.”

According to the Oxford Dictionary, homesick means “experiencing a longing for one’s home during a period of absence from it.” Have you ever been homesick before? Have you experienced a time when you were on vacation or visiting family, and you were just ready to leave? Maybe the bed was uncomfortable, or it rained the entire time you were at the beach. There could be any number of things that would cause us to become homesick.

For the better part of a year now, being homesick is something that I have continually thought about almost every day. I am homesick not for an earthly home. I am homesick for my heavenly home. Some have asked me why I think of it so often. Others have commented that I have a purpose on Earth and should be focused on that. I personally think that looking to the future and being in the present is neither bad. I hope I can explain my reasoning and maybe some of you will agree.

But before I begin, I need you to understand that being homesick comes from one place. That place is found in salvation. We all sin. The price of that sin is death. But God had a good and perfect plan, and that is found in Jesus Christ, His only Son. Titus 2:11 says, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.” How do we obtain this salvation? That’s the easy part. We must confess Christ as our Savior, confess and turn from our old sinful ways, and He is good and just to forgive us. As believers, one of the promises we hold on to is eternity in Heaven (Beulah Land).

Now, that my friends, is worth getting homesick over!

Reason 1 – Life on Earth is HARD!

Sin. It is such a small word with only three letters and just one syllable. But it holds a much deeper consequence. It is, however, the breaking of God’s law. Genesis 3:23 says, “Therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken.” The introduction of sin into the world. Life is not meant to be easy. We were never promised that it would be. Society places so much expectation on us. We must maintain a job for income, pay the bills, buy food, be a good friend, be a good daughter, and check on those around us while trying to hold our life together as it is with one bobby pin! Trying to please everyone and be everything to everyone is exhausting! And I am single; I do not know how parents and families keep it all together.

As if our daily duties to keep us alive are not enough, we also have an invisible enemy. An enemy that thrives on causing and producing chaos in our lives. 1 Peter 5:8 says “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” We must stay on guard. Satan will use anyone or anything to deceive (devour) us. He is also not beyond using lies that our mind starts believing about ourselves. This tactic is a struggle that I personally have to come head-to-head with quite often. There was a time in the past year that the thoughts were so loud, I would have done anything to make them stop.

Yes, friends, life is hard. But God has equipped us to handle these struggles and so much more. Stay on guard, pray, confide in a close friend, and be honest when you need help. God is a present help in our times of trouble (Psalm 121:1-2).

Reason 2 – I am ready to see my loved ones again!

I think about my family and friends that have gone on before me. I carry their love and memories so close in my heart. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Two of the most influential women in my life have already run their race. My beautiful Mom and precious Granny. I miss them every day. A big part of who I am is the result of these two women.

Also, I have a dear high school friend who lost his life in the line of duty. His smile would light up the room, and his laughter was infectious. The path they ran and the legacy they left behind is evident that they were believers in Christ. Because of God’s promise of eternal life, I know with great certainty that I will see them again.

Reason 3 – He is going to make all things NEW!

John 14:3 says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” I don’t know about you, but this verse makes me excited. How does God plan to make all things new? I do not have all the answers, but I am confident in His Word. God will destroy the enemy. The destruction of the enemy, death, and last judgment will lead to renewal. A renewal that will bring a home in which we will be together with Christ forever.

We will have a new life and new bodies. I believe we will be in a new harmony with one another. I, for one, cannot wait for a time when we will have no more sickness, pain, or troubles. The older I get, the more I see this earthly body of mine wear down. The longing to be standing in the presence of my King makes my heart ache. The promise of Heaven and spending an eternity together is overwhelming.

Can you imagine Heaven and eternity? The thought does not scare me, but the unknown is hard to comprehend. I fail to wrap my mind around what will take place. However, I find comfort in knowing that God will be seated on the throne in victory, and everything will be okay! Revelation 21:5 says, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Jodi’s Take Away for Beulah Land:

My desire to be in that Beulah Land is powerful. There have been many nights that I just lay in bed crying, begging God to let me come home. It has taken a lot of prayers, counseling (yes, counseling), and the help of my closest friends to understand that my purpose on Earth matters. I matter, and God has plans for me while I am here. While I am still homesick, I think that it’s okay. My life’s purpose in pursuing God, being obedient to His will for my life, and knowing that the end game is Heaven is even more of a drive for me to get there. It makes what we do here on Earth so important.

If you are unsure about your salvation or your purpose in waiting for home, reach out to someone. You are loved, you are valuable, and you are sent. So, until I reach my heavenly Beulah home, I pray to do as much as I can to make God known, love others without judgment, and look forward to the promise.

Jodi has often contributed to the website. Her first article, “Do you dare to crave?” can be found by clicking here.

Jodi Tollie
Jodi Tollie
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Jodi is a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church. She was born and raised in Jackson County, NC. Jodi has worked in the medical field for 21 years and is currently a medical assistant at WCU office. She has also appeared on the Light1031 podcast.