What books should a Christian own besides the Bible? For I assume you already have a Bible. But what else do you have? I started to laugh as I began to write this article for the second time (please visit the article “Time to Dream Again” to find out why I am writing it again). I have thought about this article more than many others that I lost. It may have to do with the fact that I have mentioned and discussed this article more than others. So, oddly, I already know what the article will say to you.
An aspect of Christian maturity, I want you to be prepared and able to study, teach, and conversate with other Christians on a deeper level than “Hi!” or “How are you doing?” As a Christian, I hope you are asking questions and seeking answers from the Word of God. Whether that is a situation you are facing, something the pastor said on a Sunday, or a question from a good friend, I love being around other curious Christians. As a result, I believe you need four additional books to own as a Christian.
Please note that under each section, I will give a quick recommendation that I would give to someone at my church. And since you are reading, I assume we are already a church family. However, my encouragement is also to ask your pastor what they use or what they would recommend because it is always good to have more than one recommendation.
Additionally, I suggest you take the opportunity to own these books physically. However, I do know that in today’s age, owning an e-book may do you as much good or even better, depending on your situation. Yet, I continue to find something satisfying about a physical book.
Theology Book
Theology is the study of God. In love, you might say, “I can read my Bible and study God that way.” I would respond to that question with a resounding “YES!” However, when we study big things like Christology, the study of Christ, or Pneumatology, the study of the Holy Spirit. We often need help putting the subjects, themes, and verses together so that we can study them in a more concise situation or pattern.
While it may be a subject for a later writing, please know that every time we get together and preach, teach, or talk about God, we are essentially teaching Theology to one another. So, let’s do this together.
Pastor Mark’s Recommendation: Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie

A One-Volume Commentary
I understand that many of you have study notes in your Bible. Some of you may even have multiple Bibles with Study notes. However, it is not the same as a commentary. A commentary is typically a more in-depth look at scripture with the intent of helping the reader understand the theme or overall point of what they are reading.
My worry for many Christians is that they forget that notes, comments, and even glossaries are someone’s thoughts. You will not agree with everything they write, and your thoughts may differ from theirs, but I often find the resource of a commentary to be a place for when I struggle to see the bigger picture of scripture.
Transparently, I have many commentaries in my office, many of which are series of books. On certain subjects, it could be a bulk of several hundred pages talking about one specific book/topic of the Bible. My suggestion is that you seek out a one-volume commentary, which contains comments on the entire Bible found in only one book.
Pastor Mark’s Recommendation: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible

Book Study
If you spend any time in church, you will likely attend a Christian book study at some point. Now, it might be a study of a scene in the Bible. Many will study a book of the Bible. Others may study human nature and how we should respond in a Christian manner to things and events around us.
Please hear my encouragement to attend as many as you can and find interesting. You will more than likely attend one that you really enjoyed and learned a lot from. Keep that book and revisit it after the study to remind yourself of those lessons. My second encouragement is to find a book that you enjoy reading and studying on your own. Why? So that you understand the subject, but also to help in the teaching process of your church. You may not solo lead a book study (right now), but what if you were prepared…just in case?
For this recommendation, please visit the article 20 Books Christians should consider reading. It is a wonderful place to begin looking.
Pastor Mark’s Recommendation: Please visit 20 Books Christians should consider Reading

Bible Dictionary
For the last recommendation, it’s not as flashy or widely spoken about as much anymore. However, a Bible dictionary or access to a Bible Dictionary is incredibly needed in our study of the Bible. I often use a Bible Dictionary to prepare for lessons and sermons. This is especially true when I am looking for an understanding of culture, items, and even events that I may miss living in the United States 2000+ years after the events.
Books like a Bible Dictionary are sometimes illustrated, and the following recommendation is one.
Pastor Mark’s Recommendation: Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Revised and Expanded

Pastor Mark’s Takeaway:
In the end, we are discussing resources. As a pastor and fellow Christian, I want to make sure that you have a few resources that will help you and allow you to grow in your Christian walk. These are starting points. Some may grow beyond this list and start their own theological library. For others, this may be the only tools that they want. My goal is to help you find resources with both in mind. Even with an office full of books, I want you to know that a few really good tools are better than many you don’t use.
I pray that these tools are helpful for your growth in your Christian walk.
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Mark Rogers
Pastor Mark is the primary author and content creator of pastormarkrogers.com. Additionally, he serves as Pastor of Lighthouse Sylva. You can find out more by clicking the About Page.